Populating the Maps page
When you import contacts into Contacts Journal, the addresses for those contacts are automatically geocoded and mapped onto the Map page. By default, the contacts’ addresses are shown as green pins. You can change the Pin Color of the contact pin, get directions to that contact using either Apple Maps or Google Maps, or switch directly to the contact’s profile page to get more details.
You can also see pins associated with a Log or ToDo. The purple pins have one or more Logs saved at that location, and red pins have one or more To-Dos saved. Select the pin, and press the button in the callout to see more details of the Logs and To-Dos saved there.
Loading Addresses
After you import a large list of contacts into the Contacts Journal app for the first time, it may take a while to geo-code (the process of turning your contact’s physical address into pins we can display on the map) all the contacts' addresses. You should be able to see some progress on the Maps -> List page (on Mac, the List page is always open to the left of the Map page). The List page will show you the list of contacts' addresses sorted by distance to your current location, and in a separate section, also show the contacts that are "Waiting for Results", and those that are "Incorrectly Formatted" (i.e. they might have a typo, or insufficient information, to be processed). This page should be updated every minute with updates.
If some pins don’t show up for a long time, it might also be due to either a loss of internet connectivity at the time you imported these contacts, or that Apple's Maps service was unavailable for some reason. You can try restarting the app to see if it helps: to force-quit the app, press the Home button twice to see the app in the task-switcher. Swipe up on the CJournal screenshot you see to quit the app for good. Then launch the app again from the home screen icon.
Searching by Zip Code or City
iOS: Map -> List page -> enter search term in search box on this page
Mac: with Map selected, enter a search term in the search box on the top of the Contacts Journal window.
You can search for any term in the address field, like zip code, city, state, etc. Selecting an item from this list will zoom the map view to this location.