Our update brings some of the best new features of iOS14 to the Contacts Journal app.
You can now add widgets from Contacts Journal to your home screen! Use the “Upcoming ToDos” widget to quickly glance at your upcoming tasks; use “Nearby Contacts” to view contacts around your current location!
For more details, read our help article on how to setup and use the new widgets.
Track Incoming Emails and Messages
With iOS14, you can now keep track of incoming emails and messages from specific contacts, using the power of Siri Shortcuts and “Personal Automations”!
Instructions on how to setup the Siri Shortcuts and Personal Automations are available in this help article.
Import Multiple Pictures and Videos
You can now import multiple photos (and videos) at a time from your Photo Library, when using the "Import from Photos" option. It'll be easier to add multiple photos to a Log or a contact's Files section.
New Date Picker
New graphical date picker lets you quickly a select or change the date or time for your Logs and ToDos.